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1/24/2025 - I Have No Control But I Can Do This

I can’t truly ‘control’ anything. Yes, I ‘influence’ things by my actions, but, the control I really want, I do not have that. There is a God and I am not it. This simple declaration, words that I believe in, frees me from all anxiety and fear. However, I can’t stop my feelings, because again, I am not in control. So, when feelings of anger, fear, and sadness come, I can still do something. What I do , I believe must always be based on principals that I can stand by:

1/2/2025 - When stressed I ask myself what expectations do I have right now

When stressed I ask myself what expectations do I have right now. I always have an expectation when angry or stressed. When I am angry it is *always* an expectation not being met...

10/25/2024 - To look at each thing and not immediately categorize it as Good or Bad...

No matter what happens I can have a good day if I don't categorize anything that happens as "Bad" 

10/17/2024 - How to have a good day everyday?

I know that when I DON'T have a good day it is because I have made a Judgement that the day, and things that happen during the day are not to my satisfaction...

4/11/2024 - When anxiety and fear come I try to remember these principals...

Accept the present situation completely – Do not resist accepting anything. I don’t have to like the situation, but, resistance is the majority of the problem. The biggest fear is ‘looking bad’. This must be accepted and not resisted. Don’t feel sorry for myself – Humility dictates that I should not feel that bad things should not happen to me, they happen to everyone. Don’t insist on being right – Trying to force my will on other people and the world is a major cause of stress an

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